Are we really doing this??


Lets do it! I am IN!

We are about to begin the journey of our lifetime. It might not be as big an adventure as sailing around the world, but for me, this will be the biggest, most adventurous thing I have ever done. It started from a conversation with a guy named Chris Buchanan. He worked on our boat and was our go-to for all things boating. He and his wife did a boating trip called Americas Great Loop. “What the heck is that?” we asked. A conversation lead to devouring every book we could get our hands on. Andy would start a book and then read me quote by quote, “you gotta hear this!” and a conversation lead to an idea, lead to a “are we seriously going to do this?” and lead to an action plan. Retire; start cleaning out the house, selling what wasn’t necessary, research, research, research. In May we attended a seminar about the Great Loop and met people who have done this before.  I came away saying, “I’m in! Lets sell everything and go!” I’m still not sure if Andy was thrilled or terrified. So this last year has been a year of preparation and work. It’s been A LOT of work and some emotional breakdowns as I realized that I would be facing the long arduous process of deciding what to keep forever and what had to go. Also the realization that I would be saying goodbye to friends, family, kids, an elderly mother-in-law, parents and a dock full of friends. We have been on F-Dock for 11 wonderful years. We made this difficult but exciting decision and the planning began. How was this going to go down? Buy a new boat or was it more economical to ship our boat to Florida? Trying to sell it could be difficult (boats stay on the market forever!) and frankly we love our boat. It’s super comfortable and maybe a little large for 2 people but it’s our boat. We know it, love it and another decision was made to keep it and ship it. We started improvements on it. New carpet, upholstery, some engine maintenance, some decorating and most importantly electronics and satellite TV. AQUAMAN has never looked better. We are ready!




5 thoughts on “Are we really doing this??

  1. So happy your ship has finally come in! You made it to your new slip in the dark of night with nothing more than the shimmering moonlight to guide your way. No bright red nose of Rudolph or anything. Good luck and I’ll be waiting for the call to come be part of your loopy lifestyle! Crazy Bernie


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